Voter Protection

The Maine Dems Voter Protection team is working to protect the vote and make sure that every voter’s voice is heard this November and we need your help! Please join us for a training to be a Poll Observer on election day.

Poll Observers are the eyes and ears on the ground at polling places across the state on election day. They assist voters and ensure that every eligible voter can cast a ballot. We will train, assign, and support you to make sure that you are as effective as possible on Election Day. Poll Observers serve in half day or full day shifts. This training will cover Maine election procedures, your role at the polling place, and the technology we use as Poll Observers.

Poll Observers must be physically present in Maine for their shift, but do not have to be Maine voters.

Upcoming Poll Observer Training: Wednesday, 10/16

Drive the Candidates

Did you know that a hugely helpful way to volunteer is to drive the candidates, so they can knock on as many doors as possible? Especially outside of Portland, this really maximizes candidates’ reach during a campaign. Use the links below to sign up by candidate for driving shifts here in Cumberland County. If you are interested in going further afield, please let us know as those shifts are especially hard to fill! (

Canvass for Sen. Tim Nangle in Westbrook

Saturday, September 28, 10:30am–1:30pm or 1:30-4:30pm at Westbrook Community Center (426 Bridge St, Westbrook)

Join us to knock doors as we fight to protect our Democratic majority in Augusta! Sen. Tim Nangle’s seat is one of the most vulnerable in the state this cycle, and we need to talk to as many voters as possible to ensure they vote to re-elect him. Training will be provided.

RSVP here:

Absentee & Early Voting:

  • Return your completed ballot by placing it in the mail at least one week before Election Day (October 29) or hand deliver it to your municipal clerk’s office or ballot drop box where available until 8pm on Election Day.

From George Whitbread of Wells, Maine

I wanted to share an original 5 minute music video that my 17 year old granddaughter and I put together in support of Kamala Harris and our Maine Dems. We already have over 400 views and many positive messages after only 4 days of sharing it with friends and family.  

We’re now trying to get it out to more of our fellow Dems via county chairs. We’re hoping that you might send it out in your next newsletter or email blast, and post it on your website and social media platforms. It’s our unique form of a GOTV activity, “a knock on one’s emotional door.” 

So if you like it, please help us share it!

Thank you for considering our request!

George Whitbread 

Wells, Maine

Member of Wells Dems and Seacoast Dems

Chloe Whitbread

York, Maine

Senior at York High School

Join us at the Cumberland County Fair!

The Cumberland County Democratic Committee will host a booth on September 22nd through September 28th, 2024 at the Cumberland County Fair (197 Blanchard Road in Cumberland)
Details about the Cumberland County Fair here

Would you like to volunteer to keep our booth staffed?
Please email to sign up!

September Meeting!

As a reminder! Please join us from 3:00 – 4:00 PM via Zoom on September 22nd for a general meeting of the Cumberland County Democratic Committee. 
Please note, this meeting is being scheduled for 60 minutes (1.0 hours) via Zoom. The Zoom information is below.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the gathering.
Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Chair Joe 
Featured Guest Speaker – TBD (20 min)
Approval of the August Minutes – Secretary Angel 
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia
Program Committee Chair – Jay
Communications Chair – Chad
Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Dick
We are looking for a new Fundraising Chair 
Municipal Committee Check Ins 
Election of New CCDC Membership (At-Large Members)
New Business

Questions? Email us at

When: Sep 22, 2024 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
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