Next weekend, on Sunday, April 24, will be the CCDC General Membership Meeting (from 3:00 – 5:00 PM virtually by Zoom). You can find the agenda below. Register Here.
State Convention Delegates: County Committees can hold vacancy filling elections for State Delegates to the upcoming Convention in May – lots of slots are still available and you can still be a delegate if you’re interested! We will fill open slots at the April 24th CCDC General Meeting. Any Democrat in Cumberland County can run.
Clean Elections: Clean elections candidates for the State House and State Senate candidates need $5 donations in order to receive public funding for their campaigns by April 20. You can support them by donating today or by sharing the below link for other Democratic voters in your community! Click here to make a $5 contribution to your local State House and Senate candidates.
Cumberland County Representatives on the Democratic State Committee (DSC). Anyone wishing to run for DSC must take out a petition and collect 10 online delegate signatures by 4/29. This includes the current DSC members. More information about this process is available here:
Sunday, April 24, CCDC General Meeting (3:00-5:00) Welcome Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Chair Joe Z. Approval of the February Minutes – Sec. Angel B. February’s meeting here: CCDC Meeting(Passcode: #42QA&1N) Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia S. Upcoming Events – State Convention – Bev U. Vice-Chair MDP Municipal Committee Report – Rachel H. Scarborough Chair Election of Additional Delegates to Convention Introduction to the New Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Robert D. Introduction to the Coordinated Campaign Field Organizer – Noah L. Election of New General Membership County Candidate Introductions – Time Limited Paul Aranson – Democrat for Judge of Probate Kevin Joyce – Democrat for Sheriff Stephen Gorden – Democrat for District 3 Commissioner Patricia Smith – Democrat for District 4 Commissioner James Cloutier – Democrat for District 5 Commissioner New Business
Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the upcoming General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, April 24th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom). This email has lots of important information, forgive us for the length! Register using the registration link below.
Upcoming Events – State Convention – Bev U. Vice-Chair MDP
Municipal Committee Report – Rachel H. Scarborough Chair
Election of Additional Delegates to Convention
Introduction to the New Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Robert D.
Introduction to the Coordinated Campaign Field Organizer – Noah L.
Election of New General Membership
County Candidate Introductions – Time Limited
Paul Aranson – Democrat for Judge of Probate
Kevin Joyce – Democrat for Sheriff
Stephen Gorden – Democrat for District 3 Commissioner
Patricia Smith – Democrat for District 4 Commissioner
James Cloutier – Democrat for District 5 Commissioner
New Business
Support our Clean Elections Candidates By April 20th
Clean elections candidates for the State House and State Senate candidates need $5 donations in order to receive public funding for their campaigns. You can support them by donating today or by sharing the below link for other Democratic voters in your community! Click here to make a $5 contribution to your local State House and Senate candidates.
Still Want to be A Delegate to the State Convention?
County Committees can hold vacancy filling elections for State Delegates to the upcoming Convention in May. You can still be a delegate if you’re interested! We will fill open slots at the April 24th meeting. Any Democrat in Cumberland County can run.
Run For State Committee!
Want to represent Cumberland County on the Democratic State Committee (DSC)? Anyone wishing to run for DSC must take out a petition and collect 10 online delegate signatures by 4/29. This includes the current DSC members. More information about this process is available here:
Tickets for the Democratic State Convention are Now Available!
Every two years, Dems from all corners of Maine come together to shape the future of the party. It’s an incredible weekend combining important decision-making and powerful community-building! We encourage all who are able and comfortable to join us in Bangor and attend the Convention in-person. However, you must purchase a ticket to attend the Convention both in-person and remotely.
Also – if you’ll be attending in-person in Bangor, you can join us for breakfast and lunch on Saturday – a unique opportunity to meet Democratic leaders from across the state! Tickets are sold separately.
Convention Awards – Nominate a Fellow Democrat
One of the most important functions we can do at the Maine Democratic Party is recognize those people who are exceptional in their field. Whether it is public service, party activism, or volunteerism, we’re seeking to recognize three individuals for outstanding contributions to the Democratic Party. More information and award criteria is available on the MDP website and click here to nominate a Fellow Democrat.
The Maine Democratic Party is Hiring!
Coordinated Campaign Voter Protection Director – The Voter Protection Director will develop, implement, and manage a robust voter protection program, ensuring free and fair elections in Maine.
Field Organizers – Field Organizers will be a critical part of our field team, working to mobilize volunteers and voters ahead of the 2022 election.
We are reaching out to share, and congratulate, the new CCDC Executive Team. At our last CCDC General Meeting, Meghan Casey was elected to be our 1st Vice Chair, Nancy Green was elected 2nd Vice Chair, and Angel Butts Secretary. Joe Zamboni will stay on as the permanent Chair. Congratulations to all!
A reminder also that today is the CCDC Executive Team “Listening Session.”
This is a time where CCDC members can have a forum to speak to the Executive Committee directly about how our committee can be more effective and strategic, moving forward. The Listening Session is not meant to replace a General Meeting, or provide a forum for questions, debate, or answers, but simply a place for folks to express ideas, proposals, and suggestions for a bluer county.
Please join us today, Sunday, March 13, from 4:00 – 5:00 PM using the registration link below.
As always, we invite those with questions, comments, feedback, or concerns to reach out to me and the whole Executive Team at the CCDC Chair email address: Your contributions and your input are extremely important to us.
Looking ahead, the next CCDC General Meeting will be Sunday, April 24th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM using the registration link below.
A reminder for our upcoming General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, February 20th 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom). Watch the recording here: CCDC Meeting(Passcode: #42QA&1N)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please join the meeting early to assist us in preparing for a vote (you need to be in the meeting by 3:00 so that we can prepare for voting).
Proposed Amendment to the CCDC Bylaws & Vote (more information below)
Elections of CCDC Officers (more information below) (notice)
Review of Previously Approved CCDC Facebook Policy
Review of Proposed Public CCDC Information & Vote
Upcoming Listening Session (more information below)
Election of New General Membership
Candidates Introductions – Time Limited
New Business
The roles of CCDC Chair, Vice-Chair, and 2nd Vice-Chair are currently open! These roles, especially in election years, are incredibly important (and can be time-consuming too). These positions are also part of the CCDC Executive Committee – the decision-making body of CCDC in between General Membership meetings. The Executive Committee meets roughly every two weeks. You do not need to be a present member of the CCDC to run, but you do need to be registered as a Democrat in Cumberland County. Those who have expressed interest have submitted information below. Nominations will also be taken from the floor on February 20th. We will also elect a representative to the State Committee from Cumberland.
*Additional notice – If any election results in a vacancy in another CCDC office, an election for that position shall follow immediately.
You can read more about the roles of Chair, Vice-Chair, and 2nd Vice-Chair at the CCDC Bylaws Page.
Meghan Casey for First Vice Chair
Brendan K. Williams for First Vice Chair
Brendan is a stand up comedian and restaurant employee currently living in South Portland, Maine. He has been involved in politics before he was even old enough to vote, since his mother is a longtime political activist and elected official. After moving to Southern Maine, Brendan began volunteering for various candidates including Betsy Sweet, South Portland Mayor Deqa Dhalac, Governor Janet Mills, and Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, among others. Brendan is currently a member of South Portland Human Rights Commission and the Civil Service Commission, which played a role in the recent hiring of a new police chief.
The reason Brendan wants to run for Vice President of the Cumberland County Dems is because he believes the party needs to work harder to bring in more people with disabilities and believes the party can play a major role in electing candidates with various disabilities (both physical, cognitive, and even invisible disabilities) and help pass bills that will help the disability community in the State of Maine. Brendan is hard of hearing and has witnessed first hand the hardship that the pandemic has put on those with disabilities, who have often been ignored in the political discussions.
Brendan believes that his life experience as a disabled person is the most important asset that he brings to the table besides his dedication to a life in politics. To quote Anne Richards, former governor of Texas, “If you are not at the table then you’re probably on the menu”.
Nancy Green for Second Vice Chair
A little about Nancy:
· Nancy was born and raised in Mexico, bilingual in Spanish and English;
· She is a Masters prepared Certified Nurse Midwife with more than 28 years of experience. Retired (2021);
· Certified Addiction Specialist;
· Currently working as a Spanish interpreter for Catholic Charities of Maine and House of Languages;
· Lived in Washington County Maine from 1983 to 2015, currently living in Yarmouth;
· Co-founded a grass roots organization in Calais Maine, (NADA = Neighbors Against Drug Abuse) to combat the major issue of opioid addiction, in Washington County and the State of Maine;
· Brought education, funding and treatment to the State, which was absent at that time;
· Testified in DC, in front of the Senate Committee on Health, Education and Labor at the invitation of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen Susan Collins, about the overwhelming problem of addiction in the State of Maine, mainly related to the abuse of prescription drugs;
· Created many addiction programs, initiatives and collaboratives in Maine, in which I am still active;
· Co-authored multiple publications relating to addiction affecting pregnancy and lectured Nationally and in Maine
· Former President of the Maine Chapter of the American College of Nurse Midwives
· Legislative liaison for Maine Midwives and the American College of Nurse Midwives
· Received several awards from the Maine Hospital Association in recognition of outstanding professionalism and accomplishments benefiting the people of Maine.
· Former member of Washington County Democratic Committee
· Participated in planning County & Municipal Caucuses and attended Maine State Conventions
· Member of Cumberland County Democratic Committee since 2015 and has led the DEI Committee CCDC;
· Member of the CCDC Executive Committee
Be A Delegate!
Delegates will make important decisions about the Party’s issue platform, rules, and who serves on our leadership committee at the Democratic State Convention in May.
Nominations for State Delegate are open through February 20 and online voting will take place from February 27 through March 6. Don’t delay! Participation is open to all Maine Democrats.
Bylaws Amendment Proposal
This proposal would create a permanent CCDC Anti-Racism & Inclusion Committee (becoming our 4th CCDC Standing Committee). According to the Bylaws, this proposal needs to be simply voted up or down at our meeting, modification is not permitted.
Those interested can join Portland Senator Ben Chipman and other volunteers in Back Cove this Saturday Feb. 19 at 9:30am to knock on some doors and gather ballot signatures for Democratic candidates, including Governor Janet Mills and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree!
This is the last week to sign up to be a State Delegate. Only 5 days left to nominate yourself and represent your community at the State Convention!
As you know, we want to recruit State Delegates from every community in Maine because we want every city and town to be represented in these big decisions! If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so ASAP!