
A Quick Reminder!

Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the General Membership Meeting scheduled for this Sunday, April 16th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom).
You can register in advance for this meeting here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Chair Joe Z.
Approval of the December Minutes – Secretary Angel B. 
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia S.
Program Committee Chair – Jay P.
Municipal Committee Check Ins 
Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Dick F. 
Featured Guest Speaker – Djenne-amal Morris 
(Read More Below)
Municipal Committee Check Ins 
Credentials Committee: 1 person elected per county
Platform (13 seats)
MDP Representative & New CCDC Membership (At-Large Members)

New Business

Introducing Our Featured Speaker:
Djenne-amal N. Morris, BA.

Djenne-amal N. Morris brings passion, humor, and real-life experience to her role as a national and international parent/professional trainer, facilitator, and motivational speaker whose view of the world is not as it is, but as it could be. As a mother of an amazing son with CHARGE Syndrome, she strives to build an atmosphere of support and empowerment for families of children with special needs and the professionals who serve them. This has led to her career working with families of children with special needs in various roles as Women’s Ministry Leader, and Family Specialist for the New England and North Carolina Deaf-Blind Projects, Parent Educator. She currently is the Family Faculty Advisor for the NC-LEND program at UNC-Chapel Hill and President of the Board of Directors for Hands & Voices Headquarters. Djenne is committed to creating an atmosphere of diversity wherever she. goes. She received her certification in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion from Cornell University and does consulting and training for professionals. Djenne and her husband Michael of 31 years have 3 children. Malik, 27 a graduate of the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf. He is independent and living his best life in a group home for Deaf young men. Imani, 28, is a future MPH focusing on Maternal and Child Health.

Her youngest Zakiya, 22, is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and a future Audiologist. Djenne and Michael are enjoying their empty nest by traveling, growing their consulting business, and enjoying evening wine on the porch!
Please visit her website: (

Upcoming CCDC General Meeting

Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the upcoming General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, April 16th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom).

You can register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Chair Joe Z.
  3. Approval of the December Minutes – Secretary Angel B. 
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia S.
  5. Program Committee Chair – Jay P.
    1. Discussion Topic – TBD
  6. Municipal Committee Check Ins 
  7. Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Dick F.
    1. Featured Guest Speaker – Djenne-amal Morris
  8. Municipal Committee Check Ins 
  9. Elections
    1. Credentials Committee: 1 person elected per county
    1. Platform: We have the same number of platform committee members as we have State Committee Delegates (13)
    1. MDP Representative & New CCDC Membership (At-Large Members)
  10. 11. New Business

Upcoming Meeting – Feb. 5

Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the upcoming General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, February 5th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom).

You can register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


1. Welcome

2. Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Chair Joe Z.
3. Approval of the December Minutes – Secretary Angel B. 
4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia S.

5. Welcome to the New MDP Chair – Bev Uhlenhake

6. Guest Speaker – TBD
7. Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Robert D.
8. Program Committee Chair – Jay P.
9. Municipal Committee Check Ins & Review of the 2022 Election
10. Election of MDP Representative & New CCDC Membership (At-Large Members)
11. New Business

Greetings Cumberland County Dems:

Here is our Agenda – and some important information – for the upcoming General Membership Meeting scheduled for Sunday, December 18th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM (virtually by Zoom).

Register using the registration link below.  

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Agenda1. Welcome2. Approval of Chair’s Agenda – Chair Joe Z.
3. Approval of the October Minutes – Secretary Angel B. 
4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Marcia S.
5. Guest Speaker – TBA
6. Municipal Committee Check Ins
7. Anti-Racism and Inclusion Committee Chair – Robert D.
 8. Program Committee Chair – Jay P.
9. Election of CCDC Officers
10. Vote to Endorse the Registrar of Probate
11. Election of New CCDC Membership (At-Large Members)
12. New Business

Do you want to run for the CCDC Executive Committee?Want to represent Cumberland County Dems on our Executive Committee? It is that time again when we elect new CCDC Officers. If you happen to be interested, let us know at

(and send us a short bio) and we will send out information ahead of our next meeting. 

Are you interested in being the Cumberland County Registrar of Probate?The Cumberland County Registrar of Probate recently resigned and the County Committee has the role of recommending a replacement to finish the term to Governor Mills. If you happen to be interested, let us know at

(and send us a short letter of interest and resume). The CCDC will need to interview interested candidates before the next General Meeting on December 18th. 

Do you have an interest in being Cumberland County’s Registrar of Probate?

Do you have an interest in being Cumberland County’s Registrar of Probate? The Cumberland County Democratic Committee needs to recommend one or more candidates to our Governor, for the Registrar of Probate position, to finish out the current term of office.

The Probate Court assists in the legal and social welfare needs of a great many of the families in Cumberland County, and processes approximately 25% of the total probate filings within the State of Maine.  The Probate Court determines the legitimacy of Last Wills and Testaments, the distribution of estates; and processes name changes, minor and adult adoptions, minor and adult guardianships, and minor and adult conservatorships.

The Probate Judge and Register of Probate are officials of the court, elected to serve a four-year term.  The Probate Judge performs the judicial business of the court and the Register of Probate is responsible for the administrative work of the registry.  The Register has quasi-judicial powers and is authorized to conduct Informal Probate proceedings. The Registrar works out of the County Courthouse, at 142 Federal St. in Portland, ME 04101.

If you are interested, would like to learn more, or have questions, please reach out to our Committee at

Rally in Lewiston!

Monday, November 7 at 5pm, Dufresne Plaza, 72 Lisbon Street, Lewiston.

It’s time to get out the vote! Join Governor Mills and the Maine Dems in Lewiston for a rally the night before Election Day.

We’ll hear about the stakes of this election and why it’s so important to make sure our families, friends, and neighbors get out and VOTE!

A Message From Senate President, Troy Jackson:

Election Day is just two days away and with so much at stake, we need to make sure every single Mainer has an opportunity to cast their ballot this year.

I always remind folks to make a plan to vote. Make sure you figure out ahead of time where your polling location is and what time you plan on dropping by. And encourage your friends and family to do the same.

Where’s my polling place? With redistricting, some polling locations have changed this year. Be sure to double check so you know where to go on Election Day. Find your polling location at:

When should I vote? Polls close on Election Day at 8pm, so plan to arrive before then. So long as you’re at your polling place by 8pm, even if you’re waiting in line, you can still vote! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It’s always good to plan ahead just the same. Will you be voting before work? After you pick up the kids from school? On your lunch break? Make a plan and stick to it!

If you have any questions about voting this year, visit, give us a call at our voter hotline (833-336-8683), or email us at

Make your voice heard this year!


Troy Jackson
Maine Senate President

Portland GOTV

The Portland GOTV staging location is OPEN

The Portland GOTV staging location is OPEN and needs YOU!

We’re fired up to re-elect Janet Mills, Chellie Pingree, and maintain our Democratic majorities in the State House and we need your help to get out the vote all over Portland.

Shifts today at 12, 3, and 5 pm. Sunday and Monday at 9am, 12pm, and 2pm. Tuesday 8am, 12pm, and 4pm.

Register via the link below and bring two friends!

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