For immediate release: The Cumberland County Democratic Committee has issued a statement concerning the events unfolding in cities around the US and the injustice that is at their root.
Message from CCDC on Racism and Justice in the context of the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police:
We shared anger and grief as we witnessed the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. A litany of names at this moment need to be repeated as we mourn the unbearable truth as Black Americans continue to be murdered, and subjected to police violence and abuse. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Aubery, and so many more.
We recognize the consequences of failing to deal effectively with police brutality and racial oppression. We affirm that we can and must work harder to transform ourselves, our communities, Cumberland County, and our broader culture. We pledge to respond to the genuine despair of those our country has marginalized and failed as we work to make ways for voices for justice to be heard. We seek to bridge divisions destroying the fabric of our society with renewed energy to create better systems that serve justice and liberty for all. The Cumberland County Democratic Committee in Maine encourages us all to rise up, organize, and mobilize for racial justice throughout our municipalities, and with intentional focus to elect candidates of integrity with clear commitments to racial justice. With hope and courage may we find strength for this journey.
The CCDC represents the 110,000 Democrats in Cumberland County. FMI – Karen Hessel, Second Vice Chair, CCDC 207-939-2242