Caucus Details – March 6, 2016
The Maine Caucuses are gatherings of neighbors in the New England tradition of town meetings. The Maine Democratic Party, with the help of local county and municipal committees, organizes caucuses by town.
Anyone who is eligible to vote in the State of Maine and will be at least 18 years of age on Election Day, November 8, 2016, may participate in caucuses.
You must be a Registered Democrat to participate.
If you are currently registered as a Green Independent or a Republican, you must re-register to vote with your town office and enroll in the Democratic Party by Friday February 19, 2016.
If you are currently unregistered or unenrolled in a political party (aka an independent), you may register/re-register at your municipal caucus on caucus day. The doors will open significantly before the actual business begins.
If you can’t attend in person, you may request an Absentee Ballot from the Maine Democratic Party. Absentees can request that they be considered for election as a Delegate or Alternate to the State Convention. Absentee ballots must be received in Augusta by Wednesday, March 2, 2016.